Acidophilus - This dying warrior
Food is very sacred to me. As George Bernard Shaw once aptly said: "There is no sincerer love than the love of food." But unfortunately the flourishing food and beverage processing industry does not see it this way. Milk is just one such tampered product. The links below are sent to me by my well wishers and practitioners of REAL RAW MILK. This triggered to pen my experience and share my research findings. When ailing children along with agitated mothers, fellow workers, associates suffer, the first thing i advice them is to stop drinking pasteurised milk off the shelf, more so, to avoid the commercial milk and yogurt in well designed branded tetra packs. Not to forget the menace of synthetic milk here in our country, see this link Adulterated milk -- Why is the dairy industry and consumers silent?
I am not against safe dairy produce. I relish cheese, wholesome butter, ghee, lacto-fermented beverages all made at home. But one also heeds the advice from experts to rule out dairy intake completely from certain diets for medical reasons. For instance - Link Between Cow's Milk Consumption And Risk Of Diabetes Type 1 by Dr. Ben Kim on Jun 01, 2009 -,
The source of most commercial milk is the modern Holstein,* bred to produce huge quantities of milk--three times as much as the indigenous old-fashioned cow. But this cow has been made to fast disappear and rendered useless for many reasons, which i will not get into. The Jersey/holstein breeds of cows need special feed and antibiotics to keep her well. Her milk contains high levels of growth hormone from her pituitary gland, even when she is spared the indignities of genetically engineered Bovine Growth Hormone to push her to the udder limits of milk production. Fortunately GM milk was prohibited from entering India in 2003, thanks to the prompt and proactive action taken by prominent activists in India upon seeing the hue and cry raised in the West at the onslaught of mad cow disease.
Well if you believe that drinking pasteurized milk is healthy, then think again. Let me inform you, it is devoid of nutrition. We have been taught that pasteurization is beneficial, a method of protecting ourselves against infections. The process is not as hygienic and sanitised as it is made out to be. Secondly, most outbreaks of salmonella have occurred in pasteurized milk. Thirdly, heat alters milk's amino acids lystrosine making the whole complex less available, it promotes rancidity and destruction of vitamins. Unfortunately raw milk is at the heart of the battle for food freedom. The milk lobby is so powerful just like the food processing lobby. A hogwash of constant media badgering impressing benefits on pasteurisation to innocent consumers is nothing but a conspiracy. If you do not believe me, then read this link - - Cached
But do you really believe that milk can last up to six months? Ultra-high temperature processing milk in 1 liter in Tetra Pack, six months shelf life so boldly advertised!!! For lack of time and common sense, consumers fail to question, reason, let alone research the well camouflaged tetra packs containing milk. These ultrapasteurized milk products, lowfat milk, skimmed milk, powdered milk or imitation milk products and tetra packed milk and yogurt are worse. Milk that has been given a shelf life for months is filled with lethal additives, emulsifiers to make it last longer. How else would it last?
Consumers live in sheer illusion. Mothers especially out of sheer concern and ignorance insist that their children drink pasteurized milk daily. Children are brain washed to drink two glasses a day to get their intake of calcium. Many children are lactose-intolerant and still being forced to drink pasturised unsafe milk. The educated adults indulge and succumb to their weak senses forced by patterns of habits. They convince themselves that a hot glass of the pasteurised milk helps wipe out acidity or aids in a good night's rest, doing themselves more damage. This white commercial culprit only breaks down your immunities. Most mothers are up in arms when i say this. As if I gain by depriving children, instead just wake up and lash out at the crafty culprits who are doing this to you.
My experience of several years of propagating and using organic real raw milk in my tea/coffee has been benefiting. Since we have lactating cows that graze and pasture in our pesticide free farm, NO hormones injected to increase the milk and the feed provided is from safe sources. Therefore drinking raw milk feels lighter on my system as it contains beneficial bacteria such as lactobacillus acidophilus, vitamins, enzymes and has the finest sources of calcium. There is substantial research proving raw milk benefits. Most important, raw milk has not been pasteurized, which is a violent, rapid-heating process that has a very detrimental effect on the proteins in the milk. A slow, gentle heating on your stovetop will more effectively preserve the integrity of fragile milk proteins. Read this link - and this However, a piece of caution to us Indians - Please do not indulge in raw milk unless the source of your milk is thoroughly verified. Given the assault in the food chain and adulteration that can happen at a blink, its best to avoid it.
One of the prime reasons for illnesses is when Lactobacillus acidophilus, the friendly flora(bacteria) available from real raw milk, yogurt, lacto-fermented beverages that lines our intestines to fight diseases is dying a quick death. Acidophilus relieves bad breath, foul smelling feces, detoxifies harmful chemicals, and reduces the risk of cancer and tumors. Our gastrointestinal tract consists of over 400 different kinds of bacteria. Our body needs this beneficial bacteria to be able to manufacture B vitamins, antibacterial substances, and to produce lactase. The human digestive tract maintains a balance of good and bad micro organisms. The 'microflora' is healthy micro organism that resides in the digestive tract. As people grow older, the proportion of healthy microflora declines, and therefore it can't effectively protect us from certain diseases. That is why we need more acidophilus. Please read facts in these links -,
But what is most concerning, today our children and youth are depleted of this healthy "microflora" due to the toxicity in the foods they consume. These friendly warriors as i call them helps maintain our intestinal health and serves as a natural antibiotic. So it is imperative to provide it in the form of a nutritional supplement to maintain the 'normal' balance of good bacteria in the intestines. Lactobacillus acidophilus has been reported to provide excellent therapeutic benefits. When you buy supplements off the pharmacies once the bottle is opened please ensure you store it in the refrigerator as its live bacteria. is My family, farmers, pets all get a friendly dose of it and the outcome is we are a happy bunch of us. Just do a google search and read its benefits.
But first a basic question- what is the shelf life of milk? Why is India's commonly used practice of using "FRESH" being thrown out of the window? We Indians grew up seeing our grand parents drink raw milk directly from the udders of cows, freshly extracted and drunk. Nutritious, no wonder they live a wholesome century. They stored milk a minimum of 24 hrs depending on climatic conditions and if it did curdle, it was used effectively. The curdled milk was never thrown away. Traditional diets used it for sour dough making delicious bread and more. But currently it is flushed down without a thought. I use curdled milk all the time as it has the large amounts of rich lacto basicillus.
Now for some alternatives, My Right to Safe Food gives you just that - safe solutions. Two simple alternatives, Be prepared to shift the gears in your mind, if you wish to bring back harmony and good health in your homes.
Since the democratic right to consume chosen real foods has been taken away from us. It is up to consumers who are keen on real dairy produce and wish for safe sources to make simple efforts and start a healthy trend.
1. Find out in your own location whether you live in an apartment block or a muhalla - You are sure to find a gwala(cowherd) who has a cow adopt them both. Get a few like minded people together to share costs, ensure a regular supply of nutritious feed, help maintain the hygiene of the gwala and the cow, take turns in keeping a vigilant eye during milking times - morning and evening. Senior citizens will certainly take pride in being suitably occupied. A good way to educate children to connect back to nature and remove their fallacy that milk comes from cows and not refrigerators! Then indulge in safe real raw milk. You/family not only benefit but aid in sustaining a livelihood of a farmer and save a cow from being either slaughtered or starved yet milked till it drops.
Not all is lost should you decide to take charge and start with a daily dosage of Acidophilus with pectin, check with the pharmacies and get the equivalent.
A home made remedy to increase the friendly flora acidophilus in the intestines is to make lots of yogurt. Take a muslin cloth put the yogurt and stand it in a jar for the night to extract the whey. The solidified yogurt can be transformed into mouth watering cheese. Add in a zest of aromatic medicinal herbs like rosemary, garlic, sea rock salt and stir well. A delicious spread is ready. It can be used for salads, dressings and more. Do not throw away the whey it contains masses of acidophillus. Whey being a superb form of easily digestible and efficiently absorbed form of protein. Store it in your refrigerator and daily serve a quarter of a glass with a little salt as its nice and sour.
Different kinds of salads can be prepared at Ishana. Mothers are just amazed when their children tuck away at the salads and breads at Ishana farms. This salad contains most home grown produce from lettuce, rucola, tomatoes, carrots, brocolli par steamed and green gram sprouts along with sea weed leeched gently(ensure its crunchy and not overdone) and some sunflower seeds. They are tossed in flaxseed and olive oil with a zest of lime along with this sumptuous cheese dressing. It is so wholesome that its like a meal in itself and yet so light and refreshing. The nutritious value is worth every effort. Apart from the acidophillus, it contains all vital vitamins C, A, D, beta carotene, proteins and trace minerals. I would never trade this lifestyle for any other. Would you?
2. Second alternative to milk is time tested millet based beverages and foods.
My farmers and me indulge in ragi malts and ragi mudday( balls) dipped in delicious curries delicately prepared. Each day our cuisine ranges from jowar, bajra, ragi rotis. One of my prime farmer woman Sharada is a classic example of the strength and energy she derives out of her staple diet Ragi. Her work is equivalent to that of two farmers. Absolutely amazing.
There is abundance of research carried out by the Millet Network of India. It was delight to visit them in Zaheerabad a few years back during the Shankranti festival. Millets are so easily available here in Bangalore. Millet provides nutrition for the babies from six months onwards. Millet are so easily digestible, and has a lot of nutritional values. From a year onwards, children can take hard foods like Ragi, Brerraka roti and Jowar roti. Should you want recipes, then view these links - The Millet Recipes for 6 months to 6 years of age is also made available. As rightly said in this booklet " The cost of half kg Cerelac is 120 rupees where as the Millet costs only 30/40 rupees. Cerelac is artificial which is available in the market, we can feed our babies home made Millet which can keep our babies much more active, healthy and energetic".
Unravelling truths about the milk you ingest, it makes me livid, so should you. Have the courage to stand up and question the food product manufacturers, boycott their products. They laugh their ways to the bank all at your expense. Demand from the policy makers who get away scott free. They need to be held accountable.
Wake up to your traditional diets, they are time tested. Need I say more!
In solidarity
Sangita Sharma
Avoid this Popular Beverage Until You Learn the Shocking
Conventional wisdom states that drinking milk causes an increase in phlegm. Scientists have generally dismissed the notion, though, since experiments do not seem to bear it out. In one study, researchers noted that even people who were inoculated with the common cold virus did not show any increase in symptoms when they drank milk.
> But a new report suggests that those earlier studies suffered from a critical flaw: not all milk is the same.
> Certain breeds of cows produce milk containing a protein called beta-CM-7. This protein can stimulate mucus glands in both your digestive- and respiratory tracts.
> Milk containing the beta-CM-7 protein could therefore very well stimulate phlegm -- particularly in people who suffer from chronic lung conditions.
> Sources:
> New York Times April 12, 2010
> Medical Hypotheses April 2010; 74(4):732-4
> First of all, please understand that I do not recommend drinking pasteurized milk of any kind – ever. Because once milk has been pasteurized it’s more or less “dead,” and offers little in terms of real nutritional value to anyone, whether you show signs of intolerance to the milk or not.
> Valuable enzymes are destroyed, vitamins (such as A, C, B6 and B12) are diminished, fragile milk proteins are radically transformed from health nurturing to unnatural amino acid configurations that can actually worsen your health. Finally the eradication of beneficial bacteria through the pasteurization process actually ends up promoting pathogens.
> The healthy alternative to pasteurized milk is raw milk, which is an outstanding source of nutrients including beneficial bacteria such as lactobacillus acidophilus, vitamins and enzymes, and it is, in my estimation, one of the finest sources of calcium available.
> Raw milk is generally not associated with the health problems linked to pasteurized milk, and even people who have been allergic to pasteurized milk for many years can typically tolerate and even thrive on raw milk.
> However, some people may still experience problems, such as upper respiratory congestion, when drinking raw milk, and the difference between the breeds of cows the milk comes from appears to hold the answer.
> Different Cows = Different Milk
> This is an issue you may never have heard of unless you’re familiar with the bovine industry, or have done a fair amount of research on milk. But there are actually distinct differences in the milk produced by various breeds of dairy cows.
> So-called A1 cows are “newer” breeds that experienced a mutation of a particular amino acid some 5,000 years ago, whereas A2 cows are the older breeds that do not have this mutation.
> As Thomas Cowan, MD, a founding board member of the Weston A. Price Foundation explains in his article Devil in the Milk, milk consists of three parts:
> * Butterfat,
> * Whey and
> * Milk solids
> The milk solids consist of a variety of proteins, lactose and other sugars. One of these proteins is called beta-casein, and this is the protein of interest when comparing A1 and A2 milk.
> All proteins are long chains of amino acids. Beta casein is a chain of 229 amino acids. A2 cows produce this protein with a proline at number 67, whereas A1 cows have a mutated proline amino acid, which converts it to histidine.
> The proline in A2 milk has a strong bond to another small protein called BCM 7, which helps keep it from being released.
> Histidine (the mutated protein), on the other hand, only weakly holds on to BCM 7, so it is liberated in the GI tract of animals and humans who drink A1 cow milk. Now, BCM7 is a powerful opiate that can have a very detrimental impact on your body.
> As discussed in the article above, it is likely the cause of increased phlegm production in your digestive- and respiratory tract, which can worsen upper respiratory problems.
> This confirms previous findings, discussed in Keith Woodford’s book Devil in the Milk: Illness, Health and the Politics of A1 and A2 Milk.
> In it he writes that BCM 7 selectively binds to the epithelial cells in mucus membranes and stimulates mucus secretion.
> But that’s not all. BCM7 has also been implicated in other far more serious health problems, such as:
> * Type 1 diabetes
> * Neurological impairment, including autism and schizophrenia
> * Impaired immune function
> * Autoimmune disease
> * Heart disease
> For those of you who want to investigate this at greater depth, offers a comprehensive list of published scientific studies of the differences between A1 and A2 milk and their health ramifications.
> .
> The US Raises Mainly the “Wrong” Cows…
> A1 cows include the black and white breeds like Holsteins and Friesians. Unfortunately, Holsteins are one of the most popular breeds in North America.
> The older breeds, such as Jersey’s, Guernsey, Asian and African are primarily A2’s. Goats and sheep also produce the healthier A2 type milk.
> “Our issue in America is that we have the wrong cows,” Dr. Cowan writes.
> “When you take A1 cow milk away, and stimulate our own endorphins instead of the toxic opiate of BCM 7, some amazing health benefits ensue.
> One saving grace, as expressed in The Devil in the Milk, is that the absorption of BCM 7 is much less in people with a healthy GI tract... BCM 7 is also not found in goat’s or sheep’s milk, so these types of milk might be better tolerated.
> … We now have one more thing to put on our activism to-do list. Dr. Woodford explains that it is fairly straightforward to switch a herd to become an all A2 herd. No genetic engineering is needed, no fancy tests, just one simple test of the beta-casein and it can be done.
> Hopefully, when this becomes widespread we will end up with a truly safe and healthy milk supply.”
> Naturally, getting America’s dairy farmers to start switching breeds would require a massive campaign, but in the meantime, just being aware of this inherent difference between A1 and A2 milk can prove to be invaluable for many, especially if you have tried switching to raw milk and still experience problems with it.
> You may simply be drinking milk from an A1 breed… Switching to milk from an A2 breed could make a significant difference.
> This is also an important point for dairy farmers everywhere to at least consider, as A1 cattle may still not be producing the healthiest milk for human consumption, even when grass-fed.
> How to Find Truly Healthy Milk
> Depending on where you live, A2 milk may not be that hard to find. In fact, herds in much of Asia, Africa, and parts of Southern Europe still produce primarily A2 milk.
> If you live in the United States, New Zealand, Australia or other areas of Europe, however, you’ll need to look a bit harder since the majority of cattle in these areas are A1 breeds.
> As you know, I advocate getting your raw milk from a local dairy farmer that raises cattle organically, letting his livestock graze on fresh grasses. So to ensure the milk you’re getting is A2 milk -- the type that has not been associated with illness and instead appears to have numerous health benefits – you’d just have to ask what kind of breed he raises. (Remember, A2 breeds include Jersey, Guernsey, Asian and African cows.)
> Buying retail (in those states where raw milk sale is legal) would require just a little more work, since you’d have to get the contact information of the milk supplier and then call or write them to find out what breeds are used.
> Fortunately, grass-fed, raw milk almost always comes from small dairy farms that do not co-mingle their milk with milk from other farms, so this makes ensuring you’re buying A2 milk quite a bit easier.
> You can use the following link to find out the status of raw milk where you live.
> Yet another option is raw goat- and sheep’s milk, as neither of them contains the harmful BCM-7.
Urgent Request Now: Stop the Poison-Pushers
2 days ago
Hi Sangita,
ReplyDeleteGreat post .. and very informative..
I am a vegetarian.. I will be moving to bangalore coming June.. and I am gathering info on where to find things like organic fresh produce veggies, raw milk, etc.. Any idea where we can buy raw milk in banaglore? I am planning to put up at Marathahalli area..
Thanks in advance for your invaluable inputs