Sunday, September 2, 2012

Block now - Two day organic farming workshop in Bengaluru

Workshop details

Date: 8th & 9th September 2012

Time: 9.00 am - 5.30 pm

Fees: Rs.3000/- per person

(Refreshments and organic lunch included)

Register now: Limited seats available

Venue: Ishana,Gopathi farms, Bangalore

Contact - Pavithra- +91 8277116606

Email -

Route map link

 "From Soil to Seed to Plate" 
A two day hands-on organic farming workshop 
Grow your own food and take charge
We are what we eat. We believe that every person has the right to food and especially to safe food. The human race is charged with the potential to preserve bio-diversity through sustainable farming so that our children inherit an earth that is clean, healthy and fair. But none of this is possible unless we know where our food comes from, the price paid by farmers in delivering such nourishment to our tables and our rich heritage of natural resources, seeds and plants are being choked. This is why disease is so rampant.

So how can we reverse this? Seeing is indeed believing, we are proud that ‘Ishana' a 5 acre certified farm is fast emerging as Karnataka’s leading knowledge centre for promoting sustainable biodiversity as an alternative to modern corrosive agricultural methods of cultivation. Our workshop will focus on giving you a holistic understanding of starting and how to run an organic farm one which is replicable to a kitchen/terrace gardener. Learn how to grow organically, eat locally, save your own seeds, preserve the harvest and live self sufficiently. We touch upon those factors that affect the growth of plants which include light, moisture, temperature, soil fertility, mineral balance, biotic life, weeds, pests, seeds, labour, planning and skills.

For whom - Green Gaurdians, beginners, experts from all walks who are interested to rediscover their relationship with growing their own food that in turn safeguards health

Programme Schedule

DAY- 1 ( 8th September 2012, Saturday)

     9.00 am - 9.30 am


A.  Introduction to sustianable farming -                                9.30 am - 10.00 am   
  •    Annadana’s best farming practices 
B.  Compost and Composting -                                               10.00 am -11.00 am
  •  Movie on composting – 15 mins, Practical demonstration – 45 mins
C. Raised bed preparation - Practical demonstration          11.00 am - 11.30 am

Refreshments -                                                                         11.30 am - 11.45 am

D. Preparation of Organic Growth Promoters                        11.45 am - 1.00 pm

  •  Panchgavya
  •  Vegetable waste enzyme
     An organic splendor for lunch  -                                          1.00 pm - 2.00 pm

E. Green manuring and its importance                                    2.00 pm - 2.30 pm
F.  Nursery and its activities                                                      2.30 pm - 3.30 pm

  • Preparation of pot-mixture
  • Seed sowing in trays, on raised beds
  • Pricking
  • Transplanting
G. Bio-plant extract preparation                                                 3.30 pm - 4.00 pm

Refreshments                                                                             4.00 pm - 4.15 pm

H. Main field preparation                                                           4.15 pm - 5.30 pm

DAY-2 ( 9th September 2012, Sunday)


A. Importance of Open pollinated seeds/ Heritage seeds-    
9.00 am - 9.30 am

B. Visual demonstration of seed saving of 11 species-        9.30 am - 11.00 am

Refreshments-                                                                          11.00 am - 11.15 am

C. Seed bank operations and practical demonstration of seed saving -
                                                                                                      11.15 am - 1.00 pm

Lunch break   -                                                                       1.00 pm - 2.00 pm

D. Pest management -                                                                   2.00 pm - 4.00 pm

Refreshments -                                                                              4.00 pm - 4.15 pm

E. Pest management -                                                                   4.15 pm - 5.00 pm

F. Bio diversity gift pack with a certificate-                                5.00 pm - 5.30 pm

About our faculty: Sangita Sharma, a self contained organic farmer who believes in the sanctity of soil and seeds. The underlying force of her work over the past decade is to create replicable knowledge centric organic farms built on the foundation of farmer's time tested wisdom.

John Paul, an innovative agronomist who simplifies this eco-science on how to grow your food using organic methods which are low cost user friendly, replicable and waste free.

Pavithra Prasan, a bio technologist who has a penchant for organic farming is now a sound organic farm educator

Somnath Deepak, a bio medical engineer whose shift in energies to understanding intergrated farm management skills is crucial to sustaining a farm

Payment Options:
Online money transfer details
Beneficiary name: Annadana Soil and Seed Savers Network, Bangalore
Bank name: State Bank of India
Branch name: Jalahalli East
Account no: 30235939314
Type of Account: Savings Bank Account
IFSC Code: SBIN0000963

On- Spot registration details
Cash payments can be made at the registration desk at the venue
A token advance of Rs 500 to ensure reservation of a seat.

*Cheques are not acceptable

                                             snap shots from our workshops