We are happy to share Annadana's seasons collection of time
tested organic vegetable seed diversity in our Seed Catalogue 2013. Our
attempts have been to make our catalogue user friendly showcasing the diversity
of varieties conserved with technical details like sowing, germination time,
yields, origin and nutritional value.
You may download our catalogue from our website along with the seed selection form to order
seeds of your choice. Your contribution
is ploughed back to sustain our efforts.
Our membership packages for 2013 can be downloaded from our
website- www.annadana-india.org
We introduce Annadana's Home Gardener's Guide (HGG). This is
made available in a CD format through subscriptions of membership in the home
gardener package
About HGG - As the name suggests this is a step to step
guide on growing your own vegetables be it on your balcony or kitchen garden. Apart
from this we provide tips on companion cropping along with a chart of how this
natural eco-science can help deter unwanted pests and make gardening fun. We also
share techniques on how you can make your own vegetable enzymes and kitchen
HGG is made possible, thanks to the undettered efforts of Annadana team, volunteers and interns.
We look forward to your feedback to help serve
you and our environment better